Committed to outstanding, personalized, authentic experiences in Sedona



Discover Your Inner Peace and Embrace Transformation

Are you on a quest for an authentic Sedona experience? Seeking a sanctuary to rejuvenate your spirit and realign with Mother Nature? Whether you’re navigating life’s transitions, craving deeper self-care, or in search of holistic enlightenment, Oasis in Sedona invites you to our exclusive Open House event.

Join Gigi and Melina for a soul-enriching journey amidst the sacred red rocks of Sedona. Elevate your vibrations and explore a symphony of healing modalities designed to restore balance and awaken your inner light.

Experience Highlights:

  • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy & Himalayan Singing Bowl Healing: Immerse in the resonating sounds that harmonize body and soul.
  • Reiki & Brennan Healing Science: Unleash your body’s natural healing capabilities through energy work.
  • Breathwork & Meditation: Dive deep into tranquility and mindfulness, guiding your spirit towards serenity.
  • Southwestern Medicine Woman Plant Medicine: Discover ancient wisdom through the healing power of plants.
  • Nature as Sanctuary Hikes & Vortex Journey: Connect with the Earth’s energy on guided nature trails and vortex explorations.
  • Labyrinths & Ceremonies: Walk the path of introspection and participate in sacred rituals.
  • Couple’s Intensives: Strengthen bonds and foster growth in your partnership.
  • Metamorphosis Photographic Experience: Capture your transformation in a powerful and empowering photoshoot.

This is your gateway to a profound connection with nature, self, and the ancient healing practices of Sedona. Whether you’re drawn to the healing vibrations of sound therapy, the reflective practice of meditation, or the profound experiences of our unique ceremonies, there’s a transformative journey awaiting you.

Call to ensure a personal and immersive experience. 928-821-5564, or email us at info@oasisinsedona.com 

Embrace this opportunity to reset, rejuvenate, and embark on a journey of personal metamorphosis. We’re excited to welcome you to the Oasis in Sedona – where your journey to self-discovery and healing begins.

Reiki & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Healing on the Rocks with Melina

Reiki is a hands-on healing modality with powerful techniques and tools that promote healing of the mind, body and spirit and help facilitate stress reduction and relaxation. It is a simple yet profound method of aligning an individual with his or her Life Energy to promote relaxation, healing, holistic well-being and spiritual growth.   

Sound healing is an ancient meditative practice that uses different musical instruments to create healing vibrations around the body in a meditative state. Singing Bowls are tuned at strategic frequencies for healing different parts of the body and mind.

Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy on the Red Rocks with Gigi

During this experience, after a short hike in the area around Bell Rock, Gigi will play a series of Quartz Crystal Bowls for you, enveloping you in a truly magical and transformative sound. Gigi has been working with this healing tool for over 30 years and is incredibly intuitive, knowing precisely what bowls need to be played for each individual in the room.


Crystal Bowls & Reiki on the Rocks with Gigi & Melina

In this experience, you will have the combined expertise of both Gigi and Melina guiding you on a healing journey through their use of Crystal Bowls, Himalyan Bowls, Meditation & Reiki. A truly unique experience in Sedona and highly recommended for groups of 4 to 12. This experience is located in the area around Bell Rock, Courthouse Butte, and Baby Bell. A walk of no more than 15 minutes will bring you to a beautiful, peaceful spot with amazing views.

Both Melina and Gigi are Forest Service Permitted for journeys within the National Forest around Sedona.

Vortex Journey with Gigi or Melina or both for larger groups

A Vortex can be found in areas of higher frequencies, where the land is considered sacred and where is has been stewarded to be an energetically and spiritually clean site. Sedona is famously known for her Vortexes. During our time together we will visit the Vortex of Bell Rock, one of Sedona’s top four vortexes. You will learn about the main Vortexes of Sedona,  and you will be led through meditation and bio-energetic practices that will enable you to experience the Vortex energy kinesthetically or through other extrasensory perceptions that you experience. We will also explore the vortex energies throughout the human energy field and how we can create the positive vortex energy within.

Plant Medicine Teachings

Finding Your True Authentic Self; Connecting to Your Plant Medicine

The Southwest Region of the United States carries many medicinal secrets in its desert. As women, we sometimes lose our way and are unsure how to return to our True Authentic Self. Plants can help us do that. Everyone carries a special connection to ‘one’ very special plant, something innately ours, that connects to our soul. Yet, we don’t know how to reach it or use it.

We will hike in the beautiful, Spiritual red rocks of Sedona.  You will learn about the region, the history, and the plants that play a valuable part in our life.  Learn to identify and harvest gently the medicine.  You will be able to learn how to make teas, tinctures, or salves with plant medicine.

Book a private or group session with Southwestern Medicine Women.

Call to book an experience listed – 928-821-5564

or email: info@oasisinsedona.com

Labyrinth Sedona

Labyrinth Journey with Melina or Gigi or both for larger groups

With a Labyrinth, there is only one path into the center and the same path takes you back out. The only decisions to make are the decision to enter and your intention for the journey inward. 

Walking the Labyrinth is a mystical tradition that can awaken and empower you. As the path winds back and forth towards the center of the Labyrinth, new insights may awaken within you. The path may remind you of your life. You may experience flow and balance entering as your mind begins to clear and you become simply aware of your body, breath and the path. 

Southwestern Medicine Women Plant Medicine with Gigi

The Southwest Region of the United States carries many medicinal secrets in its desert. As women, we sometimes lose our way and are unsure how to return to our True Authentic Self. Plants can help us do that. Everyone carries a special connection to ‘one’ very special plant, something innately ours, that connects to our soul. Yet, we don’t know how to reach it or use it. Let the modern-day Medicine Woman help you on your journey.

Each person who registers will have a different journey, and each session is designed for the individual. Sample teachings:

  • Earth Mother Teachings
  • We are all Medicine Women
  • Herbal Kitchen Magic
  • Making Teas and Tinctures
  • Desert Walk & Plant Magic
  • Ceremony & Dance

Couple's Intensive with Melina

The Couple’s Intensive is a combination of holistic coaching and energy healing sessions. Together, you, your partner and Melina will explore where you are in your life from a physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual perspective. You will then co-create with Melina a plan that will support your physical, emotional, and mental health, as well as enable spiritual growth and positive evolutions within both your current as well as past relationships.

There are individual sessions followed by a customized Couple’s Session. The content and direction of this third, included session within the Couple’s Intensive will be co-created through your experiences individually and what relational cord healing is deemed necessary. This can be done at Sedona Infinity Spa, Oasis in Sedona or entirely on the Red Rocks. A free 30-minute consultation is available on the phone or on Zoom.

Reiki Self-Healing with Melina

Self-Healing is like coming home. It is a connection that makes us feel alive and rooted in our body. We feel centered in ourselves and safe even when there is chaos around us, giving us stability and physical health. This experience integrates ancient wisdom and the practical application of this knowledge in your life. We will use techniques such as meditation, conscious breathing, bio-energetic exercises, and energy healing exercises to help you connect into the Universal Energy Field as well as different aspects of your energy field in order to assist you in healing yourself on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, relational, and spiritual. This experience can be held indoors or outdoors.

Reiki Healing for groups

Vortex Hike & Healing at Oasis

Come with Melina on a Vortex Hike and then experience an Energy Healing at Oasis. A Vortex can be found in areas of higher frequencies, where the land is considered sacred and where is has been stewarded to be an energetically and spiritually clean site.

Sedona is famously known for her Vortexes. During our time together we will visit the Vortex of Bell Rock, one of Sedona’s top four vortexes. You will learn about the main Vortexes of Sedona,  and I will lead you through meditation and bio-energetic practices that will enable you to experience the Vortex energy kinesthetically or through other extrasensory perceptions that you experience. 

The Energy Healing and Brennan Healing Science session will take place back at Oasis.

Call to book an experience listed – 928-821-5564

or email: info@oasisinsedona.com


We’re thrilled to share a serene gateway designed for those yearning to reset their lives, seek solace in nature’s embrace, and embark on a journey of profound self-care and holistic healing. Whether you’ve encountered life-altering changes, yearn for spiritual awakening, or desire a deeper connection with Mother Nature, our sanctuary is your haven.

Featured Retreat Experiences:

  • Spiritual Awakening: Dive deep into the realms of your soul, exploring meditation, spiritual counseling, and rituals that guide you towards inner peace.
  • Healing Sanctuary: Embrace the art of healing through energy work, including Reiki, Brennan Healing Science, and crystal bowl sound therapy, aimed at rejuvenating your spirit.
  • Nature’s Embrace: Connect with the earth through nature retreats that blend meditative walks, Labyrinths, and plant medicine, inviting harmony between your essence and the environment.
  • Couple’s Journey: Strengthen your bond with intimate retreats focusing on shared healing and growth, using techniques designed to deepen your connection.
  • Empowerment through Science and Wisdom: Our unique blend of new-edge science and timeless wisdom offers practical tools for life enhancement, employing a variety of methods to foster holistic well-being.


  • Interactive Workshops: Engage in hands-on experiences with meditation, breathwork, and Chakracises.
  • One-on-One Sessions: Personal consultations in spiritual counseling, life coaching, and energy healing, tailored to your journey.
  • Group Ceremonies: Participate in rituals and ceremonies that celebrate healing, empowerment, and unity.
  • Sensory Exploration: Experience the transformative power of sound with Himalayan singing bowl healing and essential oil workshops.
  • Guided Nature Walks: Immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of our surrounding landscapes, fostering a profound connection with the earth.

Join us for this life-changing open house and discover how our retreats can inspire a journey of personal transformation, holistic wellness, and unparalleled connection with the essence of life itself.



Join us or our experienced external practitioners for one of many classes:

    • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy Practitioner Certification
    • Reiki Levels I-IV Certification: Self-healing to Master Teacher
    • Breathwork
    • Meditation
    • Advanced Healing Techniques
    • Chakras Classes
    • Trauma Conscious Yoga
    • Gentle Yoga
    • Qi-gong
    • Sufi Heart Moving Meditation


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